Dog Grooming

Hawthorn East Vet


Feeling a bit woolly? Needing a new ‘do’ for a special occasion?

Our experienced groomer Sharon has been grooming for over 20 years and is skilled in all kinds of dog clips, from regular pet clips to breed specific and show clips.

Sharon grooms on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  Phone us on 9853 7125 for bookings!


Occasionally we all get smelly! If your pooch has had a run in the mud, or you want them looking their fluffiest and shiniest then make use of our hydrobath at Hawthorn East Vet. It’s a great water saving, and easy way to wash your pet while saving your back. We provide towels, shampoo & a hair dryer. Don’t want to do it yourself? Then arrange for one of nurses to give your dog a hydrobath for you.


Contact Us

Hawthorn East Vet

Our team of professionals are here to help make pet care easy. If you have any questions or concerns about your pet's health, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We love talking about animals and we’re more than happy to help! If you would like to make an appointment you can book online or give us a call to arrange a suitable time.

Call Our Team

(03) 9882 0007

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday: 8am - 7pm
Saturday: 9am - 3pm
Sunday: Closed


1 Victoria Road, Hawthorn East, VIC 3123

Hawthorn East Vet

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